Upcoming This Week June 22nd

The month of June is National Indigenous History Month. From June 21st to 25th at 10am-4pm, head to St. Albert’s historic Riverlots and Grain Elevators to try Métis artistic practices and learn about medicinal plants. Free activities and entry!

Visit the Musée Héritage Museum for their month-long displays on Indigenous Identities and St. Albert’s history of Residential Schools. Educating yourself on the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada is important and necessary for Reconciliation. 

Attend The Bookstore on Perron Street Saturday, June 24th at 1pm for a book presentation by Margaret Alexander. Her book, “Different Angel,” was written by Maggie when she was five years old. The five-year-old had recently come to learn that some people will treat you differently just because of how you look. To combat this idea, Maggie wrote a book about friendship, kindness, and acceptance. The book is a great introduction for young children, explaining the importance of diversity and inclusion.